Manheim steam roller
Manheim steam roller

Within 2 months, Convoy had sold millions of albums and two years later, a movie was created bearing the same name starring Kris Kristofferson. The deal led to the creation of the song Convoy, which became a huge hit in 1975. The character and the songs that accompanied him became so popular that it secured Chip and Fries a deal with a Nashville recording company. It was here that he teamed up with Bill Fries, an ad executive to create the fictional character C.W McCall who would be featured in a number of advertisements for the Old Home Bread Company. To make ends meet, he would often take up work as a teacher and tutor for both private and public students.Īfter his short teaching stretch and after trying severally and failing to get noticed by recording studios, Chip moved to Omaha to work as a jingle writer for a local advertising agency. David graduated from the university in 1969 with a degree in music and like every young struggling musician he struggled to get his foot through the door.

manheim steam roller

Chip Davisīy the time Chip graduated high school to attend the University of Michigan his sole focus was on music. As his family was clearly highly musical, Chip fell in love with music, particularly classical music, straight away.

#Manheim steam roller how to

He also learned how to play both the oboe and bassoon, as well as sing later on. Chip also learned how to first play the piano from his grandmother. His father worked in the local high school as a music teacher and choir director while his mother played the trombone.

manheim steam roller

As such, a story told or autobiography created about Mannheim Steamroller would be deemed incomplete without first examining the life of Chip David.Ĭhip Davis was born in Toledo Ohio on September 5, 1947, as an only child. The group Mannheim Steamroller would never have come to be if it was not for Chip Davis, who is the founder and original member of the group.

Manheim steam roller